Howdy folks! Welcome to Motors Clue, the #1 spot on the web for all things automotive. We’re just a couple of grease monkeys who love everything on wheels and want to share our passion with you.

My name’s Hank and I’ve been a gearhead since I could walk. Growing up, my daddy ran the local garage and taught me everything he knew about wrenching. I’ve worked on just about every type of ride under the sun—from classic hot rods to the latest imports. Cars are my life and there’s nothing that revs my engine more than talking shop.

My partner in crime Jake grew up in his family’s speed shop. He’s a true speed demon who lives for the thrill of racing. He’s constantly experimenting with the latest performance upgrades and tweaks to make cars go faster. Ask him anything about turbochargers, superchargers, or nitrous systems—he’s your man.

Together, Jake and I are opening up our virtual garage to share our knowledge and experiences with fellow motorheads. At Motors Clue, you’ll find tips on how to maintain your ride, guides on modifying and upgrading your car, advice on buying and selling vehicles, and much more. Consider us your pit crew, ready to provide useful info and keep you cruising in style.

We aim to be your #1 resource for automotive DIY, news, reviews, and know-how. Our passion is cars and our mission is helping you get the most out of yours. So pop the hood and dive in! We’re thrilled to have you along for the ride.

Vroom vroom! Hank and Jake Motors Clue Crew